Saturday, June 23, 2012

I read a fiction book this week that had something I'm going to try.  In a "life skills" class this young man was instructed to write a goal using present tense language.  Then he was to add two thing to help him reach this goal.

My goal - lose 10 pounds by vacation time in Wisconsin in 4 weeks.
Actions:  - no more peanuts for snacking
                  walk one mile every day plus 20 minutes on the NuStep
                  stop eating when satisfied

So far I've given up the peanuts, and have tried very hard to stop eating when satisfied.  The last part is really hard with corn on the cob fresh from the farmer's market in plentiful supply.  We have had vegetarian suppers twice this week, but somehow I don't think eating 2-l/2 ears of corn with butter has helped the diet.

We went to a favorite restaurant Thursday Night and I ate only l/2 the salad and 1/2 the 6 oz. steak, but then they brought baked Alaska (part of the deal for that particular night) and it was very hard to stop at l/2 of it.

I'll keep you posted.

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