Tuesday, August 31, 2010


56 years ago FH came home from the army and announced:

I will never stand in line for food again


I will never sleep in a tent again!

He has held good to his promise except:

Evidently when the end of the line culminates in a bowl of ice cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Butter pecan

Black walnut

Cherry jubilee

Peanut Butter chocolate


Monday, August 30, 2010

Silver Dollar City

Yesterday was our first day at Silver Dollar City for a week of R & R.

For those of you out-of-staters SDC is a several hundred acre area in the middle of the Ozark Mountains. Filled with hills and 'hollers', one must wear a comfortable pair of walking shoes to traverse its many trails. SDC has something for every one in the family - rides for the kiddies, a train ride complete with robbery, some crafty places like candle making, glass blowing, carpenters, ironsmiths, etc.; lots of little places where you can leave hard-earned bucks, but best of all - throughout the park are 'entertainment areas' where good, family-oriented singing, comedy, etc. takes place.

This week is Southern Gospel week - thus our reason for coming. We started our morning with church service in Wilderness Chapel. 150 years old with the original flooring, original benches (which are hard on the seat of education), but a beltin'-out piano player and a parson who packs a whollop of a sermon in about 15 minutes.

Exiting the chapel we decided to head for the Red Gold Heritage Center where The Downing family (I thought I'd heard of them but had not) and David Ring (whom I didn't think I'd heard of, but had). We elected to go down the 'left hand side hill' since it was closer. Trust me, if you are wearing closed toe shoes when you start the descent, they will be open-toed when you reach bottom!

What a treat we were in for. David Ring has been on Focus on the Family, Bill Gaither shows, etc. He has a severe speech impediment. Put aside as dead for the first 18 minutes of his life, he has been blessed with cerebral palsy. David is difficult to listen to, but well worth the effort. I came away from this experience realizing that God can use anyone if they are willing. Who would think that someone with that kind of handicap would be 'called' to be a preacher. When he sang (loosely) "Victory in Jesus" there were a lot of 'sweaty eyes' in the auditorium.

I have his video so y'all come by and we'll watch it together!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Reflections on Moses

Today for my quiet time I decided to look at the sermon outline we had for last Sunday. Moses was the topic, and it popped into my head that God did not start to use Moses until he was 80 yrs. old. As someone who is closer to 80 than I like to think about, it occurred to me that my days of service are far from being over.

Moses: 3 months (or so) to age 40 - lived in the lap of luxury (Pharaoh's palace), servants to see to his every need, pleasant surroundings, educated in the ways of Egypt yet ignorant of the one true God, an outsider, knew he was a Hebrew - not really (my guess) accepted by the Egyptians and not accepted by his fellow Hebrews.

Age 40 - 80: Self-imposed exile to the desert, often dirty, different food, humbled, angry(?), confused (?), learned a trade (sheepherder - a position his upbringing would have taught him was the lowest of the low in terms of social acceptability), introduced to real acceptance and love, gains a wife and family

Age 80 - 120: Meets God, changed, grows from a stumbling, stuttering man to one of eloquence, dependent on God for his safety, grows in faith, learns obedience (sometimes the hard way), leader, revered by generations of Jews.

Lord, I keep thinking my days of service are over. Forgive me, and use me however you wish. I give you my permission today to do with me whatever you want. I trust You to supply every need for whatever you have in mind for me.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Even though it is now the 26th, I am still meditating on Psalm 23. For some reason this favorite Psalm is really ministering to me these days, and I hope you'll bear with me as I share some of my meditations with you.

The Lord is My Shepherd - I used to think David wrote this psalm as he perched on a rock overlooking his flock of sheep when he was a boy. However, most commentators (who know a lot more than I do) think he wrote it when he was the King of Israel. As the Shepherd king, I now picture him meditating on his life as King of Israel and thinking that just as he was the shepherd over his flock, God is a shepherd over him (and God is a shepherd over each one of us). As a good shepherd David made sure that his sheep did not want for anything. He was careful to prepare a place for his sheep to graze that was free of noxious weeds. David prepared this field of grazing, but he could be sure of the presence of the enemies of the sheep (lion, bear, wolf) lurking in the shadows to pounce on the unsuspecting sheep.

I started thinking about the table God has prepared for me. This table has a main dish of grace, followed by side dishes of mercy, love, and forgiveness with a rich dessert of peace slathered with gobs of joy. There are some condiments like fellowship with other sheep and hymns of praise. He prepares all of this in the midst of my enemies - pride, selfishness, low self-esteem, anger, fear.

I haven't begun to scratch the surface of the table God has prepared for me. I am so grateful that the Lord as my shepherd, and He is vigilant in His watch over me.

Let me know your thoughts - what's on the table God has prepared for you?

Monday, August 23, 2010


I love God's Word. I try to read something in the Bible every day, and the pattern I follow is to take the day's date (today is the 23rd) and read Ps. 23 + 30 (53)+ 30 (83)+ 30(113)+ 30 (143). This method takes you through the book of Psalms once each month. I confess, however, that when day 29 comes up and I should read Ps. 119, I skip it if it's a 30 day month, and read it on the 31st of those months. Then I read Proverbs for the day of the month.

Today's date being the 23rd - my favorite Psalm - I didn't get past it as I just began to meditate on it (I was listening in my Sunday School class yesterday where we learned we should meditate on scripture), and I began to realize again how awesome our God is. I don't use that word 'awesome' loosely as is the custom today. God truly is "awe-some", and I am awed by Him all the time.

I've taught extensively on the 23rd Psalm, taking it apart sentence by sentence, but today I saw something I'd never seen before - or maybe today something registered that never did before.

The Psalm goes like this:

The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,
he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

Here's what really registered today. God, at times, wants me to slow down (lie in green pastures) so I can be quiet before him (still waters), so he can get me back to right thinking (restore my soul). When I'm all agitated about something, I can't lie down, relax, and get my thinking straightened out. But, God does for me what I can't do for myself. Sheep don't like rushing waters. Now, I like water (well I'm not too fond of whitewater rafting in the freezing rain), but I wouldn't be very relaxed in a row boat in the middle of a hurricane. When my soul is restored (mind, will, emotions), then he can lead me in the way of righteousness. A couple of verses later, the Psalm says, "He prepares a sumptious meal for me in the presence of my enemies (fear, worry, weariness). When I get into the Word and let it speak to me through the Holy Spirit, I am completely restored. Those enemies are gone - kaput!

I'm not walking through the valley of the shadow of death right now, but a dear friend is. As I prayed for her this a.m. I prayed that God's rod (His Word) and His staff (the Holy Spirit) would comfort her, and that she would be convinced that no matter what happens, God is goodness and mercy, and she will dwell in His house forever.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Definition of elderly

Today I met a lively 'young' woman who is 92 years old. I had gone to a friend's birthday party, and this is her mother. We hear alot about this lady, and today I had the joy and the privilege of meeting her.

She is in the same category as my sister, whom I wrote about earlier. I asked her one of my favorite questions. "How old do you have to be to be considered elderly?" Her quick reply - "I don't know, but I'm not there yet".

I love it. She really isn't there yet. However, I know some 70 yr. olds who are already 'elderly'.

Several years ago after Bob and I had returned from a 6 mo. stint in Brazil, we were in the car one day listening to the radio, and the news person was talking about a 69 yr. old 'elderly' couple in Fulton who had been murdered some time in the past, and the trial for the perpetrator was being held. Since I was 69 at the time I perked up at this news that I was now considered elderly. That Friday I met with my Friday morning breakfast group, and again posed the question: How old is elderly? Mary Alice, age 84, spoke up and her words were identical to the lady today - "I don't know, but I'm not there yet. Like the first lady, I could heartily agree that she wasn't.

So what is elderly? I'm beginning to think it is an attitude of the mind. If we think we're old, and therefore cannot accomplish what we could when we were younger - that's true in a lot of ways. We move slower, run out of energy faster, go to bed earlier, gain weight easier, etc. etc. etc.

But despite these obvious limitations, we can still study, learn a new game, learn how to use a computer, enjoy people, enjoy life, be interested in the world around us and participate in it.

I think we are elderly when we stop trying to be a part of life around us, sit down, and withdraw into ourselves. Elderly people live in the past lamenting that life isn't what it used to be, kids are disrespectful, etc. etc. etc.

So, folks, if you ask me how old is elderly, I'm going to reply - I don't know, but I'm not there yet.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Everyone needs a hero. As a Christian I'm eliminating Jesus as my hero in this instance because He is my personal hero. But there are others whom I call heroes - Billy Graham and Dr. James Dobson come to mind. Both of them have fought the good fight, not given into the temptations that would be rampant in the celebrity world in which they move.

How about a hero closer to home. My 92 yr. old sister is my hero(ine). There is so much I could write about her - how well liked she is, how industrious - even at 92, how loving, how she sends birthday and anniversary cards to everyone of her countless grandchildren, nephews, nieces, great and great great grandchildren, nephews, nieces.

My own children consider her more of a grandmother type than their favorite aunt - probably because their grandparents on both sides were either deceased or distant. I try to call my sister once a week, and she'll often say - Chris called Sunday Night, or it was so good to hear from Joanne. Ray's wife sends her a letter every week.

I was trying to think of an adjective that best describes her. I finally decided she is grace-full.
The word grace - unmerited favor - is something I've heard about all my Christian life. We are saved by grace through faith, not be works, lest any man should boast -Eph. 2: 8,9. A basic verse that we all learn. So many other words come from grace - gracious, graceful, disgrace, gratuity for a few. There are many more.

But, my sister is grace-full - she is full of grace. She absolutely exhibits grace in all situations. She is the most unconditionally loving person I know. She can be very firm when needed, she has strong moral values, but without fail she unconditionally loves everyone - even those who have hurt or disappointed her. I have never heard her say a critical or judgmental thing about anyone else.

She's my hero and I want to be just like her when I grow up!

Monday, August 9, 2010


Today I had an "aha" moment.

I've taken these quizzes before where we're supposed to look at ourselves in the mirror and determine some wonderful part of our body - or we're supposed to look at ourselves in the mirror and say something wonderful about yourself

Well, today, I had an 'aha' moment when I saw a trait (not a good one, by the way) that I'm sure I've thought about, but haven't really said - Yep! That's me!

I've discovered that I'm a procrastinator. Never do today what I can put off till tomorrow.

As president of a social club I was supposed to get a nominating committee together in July so that a slate of new officers could be presented in August and voted on in September. I knew in the back of my mind that I needed to do this sometime! Sometime came, it wasn't done, and now I have a nominating committe who will have to come up with a slate of officers quickly or people won't know about them before the September meeting.

Another thing - we have two couples with whom we were good friends when we lived in St. Louis. Even though we've been gone from there 23 years, we still keep in touch. I kept thinking - "I should call couple #1 and couple #2 and we should get together with them sometime. Well, if one waits long enough maybe they will call me. Couple #1 called last week and we tentatively set up getting together for this Thursday pending when my niece's memorial service was. (We can meet this Thursday - I've procrastinated and not called them back yet!) Couple #2 called this a.m. and wants to get together - guess when - this Thursday!

Lord, right now I am repenting of procrastination. My resolution, even tho' it's no where near New Years - is to stop procrastinating. When you put someone on my mind, I am determined that henceforth I will either call them, or pray for them.

Thank you for the grace you extend to me all time.