Sunday, June 24, 2012

Our pastor had a fantastic sermon this morning.  All about Adam and Eve - we all know the story. 

This was the app.  When you are tempted, don't look at the temptation, don't stand and contemplate it, don't reach for it - run the other way as fast as you can.

I think about the times I've been tempted.  Sometimes circumstances kept me from reaching for that forbidden fruit - I am ever so grateful to a loving God who knocked that fruit out of the way before I reached for it.  Other times as I matured in my faith I was strong enough to resist the fruit because I had found a helper - prayer and the Holy Spirit.

Our church has been sorely hurt by a young woman who  walked the walk (supposedly) and talked the talk on Sunday mornings, but during the week she didn't turn away from temptation, and her conversation was not pleasing to the Lord.  My heart breaks for her and for her family who is suffering because of her sin. 

When we sin it is like a pebble falling into the water and the ripples go out in ever widening circles to affect a myriad of people.  Selfishly, we think only of ourselves.  When Eve took that fruit, and when Adam joined her (both of them knew better), it has affected all the rest of mankind. 

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