Monday, September 13, 2010


From time to time in my reading I see a sentence(s) that really speak to me. Maybe they will speak to you, too.

From The Sun is Shining on the Other Side:
Only When we are uncovered to the grace of God can we be covered by the love of
God. There is no firmer ground than forgiveness.

From Gift of the Red Bird
I give permission to let the lives of others be their own.

Old saying:
Hold your friends close, hold your enemies closer

Grace is getting what you don't deserve
Mercy is not getting what you do deserve

From A Clearing in the Wild
Trouble is the needle God uses to stitch us into finer quilts.

From A New Song
Forgiveness is giving up my right to hurt you because you hurt me.

Theme of Jan Karon's books:
Lord, I pray I am a blessing to someone today.
The prayer that never fails - "Thy will be done"

Unknown source:
We often dislike a person not for what he is, but what we are.

Heard on the radio:

Unless you keep inside you what is above you, you will be influenced by what is around

News Tribune article:

Don't tell God how big your problems are.
Tell your problems how big your God is.

That's enough for today. Blessings to you all.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


We are studying 'grace' in our Weds. Night Bible Study from a book called "Grace Walk". On the side I'm also reading Philip Yancey's - What's So Amazing about Grace? I recommend both books highly.

From Yancey's book:

Accepting and believing in God's grace and unconditional love is the key to:
mental health
emotional health
spiritual growth

Once we've acepted Christ as our savior - God sees us through rose-colored lenses!

Believe it, beloved.

Stop beating yourself up. There is nothing you can do to make God love you more


There is nothing you can do to make God love you less. Satan's lie is that we must perform in a certain way to be worthy of God's love. There is nothing we can do to be worthy.

We can only believe!

We love conditionally. As long as people please us we love them.

Try to think like God.

He loves unconditionally, continually and continuously.

For inquiring minds: FH can be 'favorite husband', 'first husband', or 'fishhead' - depending upon the day and the hour!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

On Star Ready

You've heard the ads: On Star Ready!

We had a chance to use OnStar last week for the first time - well the first time for other than phone calls.

We are at the parking lot for the Showboat Belle in Branson.

Early, of course!

We exit car. FH closes the door and immediately says: The keys are in the car.

I'm thinking - call AAA, it's a good thing we're early, we'll have time for them to get here and open the car before we're due to board.

FH: Call OnStar!

Whoa! What a great idea! So, after giving my height, weight, and shoe size (not really, but they do ask a lot of questions to verify what car they are dealing with) the voice said:

In about 10 minutes your car will be opened. If not, call us back.

We're standing there, and about a minute later I looked - and Voila! the car was unlocked. We didn't hear the unlock happening at all.

So - here's to On Star!

This is a blatant ad for On Star - I wonder if they'll send me a check for free advertising?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

No. 1 son called last night. The conversation went something like this.

No. 1: Mom - where are you guys?
Me - If you read my blog you would know we're in Branson.
No. 1: I never read forwards. I'm afraid of a virus.
Me: This is not a forward - it's a blog.
No. 1: Why would I want to read your blog?
Me: You might learn something about me that you don't know.
No. 1: I know everything about you!
Me: O.K. Smarty - who's my heroine?
No. 1: Heroin? Mom, are you into heroin?
Me: Not heroin (dummy - I didn't really call him that, it's just what I was thinking)
No. 1 - Uh! Anna?

Me: NO! You've got to read the blog if you want to know!