Friday, July 13, 2012

Update and frustrations

My daughter has gotten into her home safely.  That's a praise.  Her church had a van with wheel chair capabilities which they willingly loaned to her husband. 

Supposedly everyone is glad she is home.

Here's the frustration - now that she's home and needs help, the help is not willingly given at the time she needs it.  She cannot walk because she has spacers in her knees to keep them from collapsing, but they are not strong enough for walking.  She has a hospital bed, commode (only bathrooms in the house are on an upper level), and wheel chair.  She needs help pivoting from bed to commode to wheel chair.  Her 22 yr. old daughter doesn't seem to see the urgency when she says she needs to use the commode - so she might come several minutes or even an hour later (when her TV show ends) to help her mother.  Said granddaughter refuses to learn how to clean the IV tubing because it's 'yucky'.  Food that she requests be put on the lower shelf of the fridge so she can access it herself is not moved - How hard is that?  The list goes on and on.  Granddaughter does not even make dinner, so when husband gets home after working all day, he has to cook dinner.

In granddaughter's defense (if you can call it that), 22 years of not having to make her bed, take dirty dishes and put in dishwasher when done using, or in general do any work has now come home to roost.

I hope writing this blog will help me with my frustrations.

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