Tuesday, July 3, 2012


What an interesting day!

Today I was heading to my Tues. A.M. Bible Study when I recognized my husband's car coming toward me.  We stopped and rolled down windows, an I mentioned that I might go out for lunch if anyone at B.S. wanted to.  He said- "Well, if you don't have any takers, I'll go"..  O.K. - where do you want to go?  Your choice, he said.  So, we went out for lunch to The Brick House Deli which specializes in sandwiches.  Here's where I had a surprise. 

Liverwurst!  My husband spied it right away, and ordered his sandwich.

Now, I've been married to this guy for 57 years and that is the first time I knew he liked Liverwurst.

Just goes to show you (or me as the case may be) that we don't always know everything about another person, even when we think we do.

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