Monday, August 9, 2010


Today I had an "aha" moment.

I've taken these quizzes before where we're supposed to look at ourselves in the mirror and determine some wonderful part of our body - or we're supposed to look at ourselves in the mirror and say something wonderful about yourself

Well, today, I had an 'aha' moment when I saw a trait (not a good one, by the way) that I'm sure I've thought about, but haven't really said - Yep! That's me!

I've discovered that I'm a procrastinator. Never do today what I can put off till tomorrow.

As president of a social club I was supposed to get a nominating committee together in July so that a slate of new officers could be presented in August and voted on in September. I knew in the back of my mind that I needed to do this sometime! Sometime came, it wasn't done, and now I have a nominating committe who will have to come up with a slate of officers quickly or people won't know about them before the September meeting.

Another thing - we have two couples with whom we were good friends when we lived in St. Louis. Even though we've been gone from there 23 years, we still keep in touch. I kept thinking - "I should call couple #1 and couple #2 and we should get together with them sometime. Well, if one waits long enough maybe they will call me. Couple #1 called last week and we tentatively set up getting together for this Thursday pending when my niece's memorial service was. (We can meet this Thursday - I've procrastinated and not called them back yet!) Couple #2 called this a.m. and wants to get together - guess when - this Thursday!

Lord, right now I am repenting of procrastination. My resolution, even tho' it's no where near New Years - is to stop procrastinating. When you put someone on my mind, I am determined that henceforth I will either call them, or pray for them.

Thank you for the grace you extend to me all time.

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