Saturday, August 14, 2010

Definition of elderly

Today I met a lively 'young' woman who is 92 years old. I had gone to a friend's birthday party, and this is her mother. We hear alot about this lady, and today I had the joy and the privilege of meeting her.

She is in the same category as my sister, whom I wrote about earlier. I asked her one of my favorite questions. "How old do you have to be to be considered elderly?" Her quick reply - "I don't know, but I'm not there yet".

I love it. She really isn't there yet. However, I know some 70 yr. olds who are already 'elderly'.

Several years ago after Bob and I had returned from a 6 mo. stint in Brazil, we were in the car one day listening to the radio, and the news person was talking about a 69 yr. old 'elderly' couple in Fulton who had been murdered some time in the past, and the trial for the perpetrator was being held. Since I was 69 at the time I perked up at this news that I was now considered elderly. That Friday I met with my Friday morning breakfast group, and again posed the question: How old is elderly? Mary Alice, age 84, spoke up and her words were identical to the lady today - "I don't know, but I'm not there yet. Like the first lady, I could heartily agree that she wasn't.

So what is elderly? I'm beginning to think it is an attitude of the mind. If we think we're old, and therefore cannot accomplish what we could when we were younger - that's true in a lot of ways. We move slower, run out of energy faster, go to bed earlier, gain weight easier, etc. etc. etc.

But despite these obvious limitations, we can still study, learn a new game, learn how to use a computer, enjoy people, enjoy life, be interested in the world around us and participate in it.

I think we are elderly when we stop trying to be a part of life around us, sit down, and withdraw into ourselves. Elderly people live in the past lamenting that life isn't what it used to be, kids are disrespectful, etc. etc. etc.

So, folks, if you ask me how old is elderly, I'm going to reply - I don't know, but I'm not there yet.

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

Ruth, you are a great example of someone who is not elderly! You probably never will be with that attitude. That's what I'm going to shoot for, too!