Friday, March 26, 2010


It all began when I had dinner out with one of my dearest friends. She'll recognize herself in this blog.

K: Ruth - you need to have your hearing tested. You don't hear well any more!

Me: I'm o.k. I think I hear fine.

K: No - you are always saying - "What did you say?"

Me: Hmmmmm

Next day - with two other friends - M. (age 93) and E. (in her 80's)

Me: One of my friends told me I need to having my ears tested and need hearing aids.

M: - If people would just talk slower and notmumble I could hear just fine.

E: - Yes, and if they would enunciate that would help!

So there you are folks - speak slower and enunciate and we'll be just fine!

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