Thursday, August 26, 2010

Even though it is now the 26th, I am still meditating on Psalm 23. For some reason this favorite Psalm is really ministering to me these days, and I hope you'll bear with me as I share some of my meditations with you.

The Lord is My Shepherd - I used to think David wrote this psalm as he perched on a rock overlooking his flock of sheep when he was a boy. However, most commentators (who know a lot more than I do) think he wrote it when he was the King of Israel. As the Shepherd king, I now picture him meditating on his life as King of Israel and thinking that just as he was the shepherd over his flock, God is a shepherd over him (and God is a shepherd over each one of us). As a good shepherd David made sure that his sheep did not want for anything. He was careful to prepare a place for his sheep to graze that was free of noxious weeds. David prepared this field of grazing, but he could be sure of the presence of the enemies of the sheep (lion, bear, wolf) lurking in the shadows to pounce on the unsuspecting sheep.

I started thinking about the table God has prepared for me. This table has a main dish of grace, followed by side dishes of mercy, love, and forgiveness with a rich dessert of peace slathered with gobs of joy. There are some condiments like fellowship with other sheep and hymns of praise. He prepares all of this in the midst of my enemies - pride, selfishness, low self-esteem, anger, fear.

I haven't begun to scratch the surface of the table God has prepared for me. I am so grateful that the Lord as my shepherd, and He is vigilant in His watch over me.

Let me know your thoughts - what's on the table God has prepared for you?

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