Thursday, September 3, 2009


Having started out in a one-room schoolhouse and using a slate and chalk to do my work (no kidding!), trying to be a computer whiz is not just something of a stretch - it's down right intimidating.

Also, being somewhat of a stingy person, I don't want to pay for listening to music if I can get it free. So, having said that, I found a "free Christian music" web site and joined the group. It seemed to take hours to install the software. The "free music" was great, but -------

I began to have a lot of trouble typing a simple sentence. Words were misspelled, letters were missing - everything was a mess!

I tried changing to another key board, but it didn't help. Next step, call Dell's tech. support. They assured me it was a "soft ware" problem, which they'd be glad to fix for $239. Their 'fix' would take my computer back to what was on it when we purchased 3 years ago. Whoa! Not going there!

I've known for years that I do my best analyzing of a problem in the middle of the night. It's as if the Lord waits until my brain has had some rest and then provides the answer. Could it be that this new "free Christian music" software that took hours to install was the problem?

I'm so pleased that this thought came sifting through the haze of sleepiness for this morning I've uninstalled the program, and voila - the keyboard is working fine.

Is there a lesson to learn here? Probably that free isn't always free.

Thank you, Lord, for being so patient with me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ruth, I am so impressed with your blog and your testimony. Keep 'em coming! Darla