Sunday, July 1, 2012

Being Thankful

I was reminded today how much it means to have someone say they are thankful for what you've done for them.

We were visited today in our Sunday School class by a young boy, cerebral palsy and autism challenged, who had just returned from a camp especially designed for handicapped people.  In halting speech he told us how much the camp experience meant to him, how thankful he was for our class that takes up a collection once a month to help children like him have a camp experience.

It takes so little effort to thank someone who has blessed you - a simple phone call, a note of appreciation - a touch on the arm.  We were the ones blessed today.

Paul said - in all things give thanks - this while he languished in a Roman prison. 

Now as we celebrate the birth of our nation - flawed as it is - let's give thanks.  It's still the best nation on earth.  I don't hear of anyone trying to cross Iran's borders because they'll have a better life there.

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