Sunday, September 27, 2009

Do Hard Things - Chapter 2

The first blog I posted was about doing hard things. Since then I've attempted or am in the process of attempting doing hard things.

The first thing which is pretty much accomplished was the creation of the X-Club handbook. Since I'm the new president this year, it became my job to update the handbook with deletions, additions, etc. You know how that is - when I was called and asked to take this position it was one of those - "There isn't anything to do except chair the luncheon meetings and update the handbook". Hah! No one ever put the previous handbooks on a computer, or if they did I'm ignorant of it. So - the last two weeks have been spent typing up this year's handbook. I have a new respect for all my friends in the printing business. You would think the front of pages 1 and 2 would have pages 23 and 24 on the back. Wrong! Page 1 has page 24 on its right side and page 2 has page 23 on its right side!

This exercise is sure to stave off altzheimer's for at least one year!

Speaking of the "a" word, I have it on good authority that it is not enough that I do crossword puzzles and sudoku puzzles. There must be a variety of exercises to keep the brain working well. In light of that I've decided to memorize scripture verses. Now, I am a firm believer that there are certain verses we should all know - John 3:16, Rom. 3:23, Rom. 12: 1,2 - etc. A couple of weeks ago as I was doing my daily reading a verse I've probably read countless times just leapt off the page. It is II Corinthians 2:15,16. It goes like this:

"For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To one we are the smell of death, to the other the fragrance of life."

As I struggled to get these two verses memorized I began to think about the words - smell and fragrance. The dictionary tells me that there are several words that mean 'smell'. They are aroma, odor, scent, bouquet, stink, perfume, savor, stench. One idea (smell) can convey two polarizing results depending upon the situation. Aroma to me is a pleasant smell - perhaps a fresh baked bread. Bouquet, according to the dictionary, defines the smell of a fine wine. Scent (candle burning ) - so, too savor and perfume. Fragrance - roses. All convey a pleasant situation. How about stench or stink, though. Smell in the context of the scripture is a bad smell, but when you go to a backyard barbecue where beef is being grilled, do we say - "that sure has a good fragrance (or perfume, or scent)"? You get the picture. We say - "that sure smells good".

Anyway - my prayer is that the smell emanating from my personality is a fragrant perfume, pleasant to the senses; a smell that will truly be an aroma of Christ.


Unknown said...

Wow Ruth, I applaud your efforts to digitize your handbook and memorize scripture. Both worthy goals and both have long lasting impact. The digital record of your handbook will be a blessing to your club year after year, as they update their directory.

Memorizing scripture will make your life richer and those who know and love you. Another of my favorites ... "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." If you have God's word abundant in your heart, it will overflow to bless those you talk to.

Great Blog!

Rachelle said...

Ruth, I love that verse, too and pray that I will also have that fragrant aroma!